Being a Beachbody coach I run into so many people that are set back with their fitness goals due to injuries. Injuries are not fun and come come out of no where! A few years ago I hurt my leg and was out for several weeks. It was driving me crazy to just sit! So, I decided to take some of my P90X videos and created workout modifications for injuries!
There are always modifications you can do to stay fit & healthy even with an injury. I didn’t let a broken foot slow me down! More specific questions on how to make modifications? Email your specific questions to
For those that are completely unable to do any exercise, remember that ab’s are made in the kitchen! When you aren’t feeling well, its so easy to lean on those comfort foods. This right here could make the biggest difference during your recovery period. If you are unable to get much exercise, maybe do a clean eating challenge or cut our sweets to minimize weight gain. I promise, this will help your body in so many ways and probably even help speed up the recovery!