Setting, Living, and Loving Your Goals Year-Round
This complete ebook will help you set clear goals, stay motivated, stick with your plan and see results. This working guide allows time to write as you go. Whatever your goal; health, fitness, financial, celebrate every step of success!
I’m so excited that you’ve decided to take this step toward achieving your goals. Whether you want to get healthy, lose weight, have more time for your kids, get out of debt, or something else entirely, this eBook can help you set clear goals, stay motivated, and stick with your plan for the long run.
I’m not interested in helping you set a “New Year’s Resolution” that’s already broken by the time February or March roll around. New Year’s Resolutions are great, yes, but they can also set you up for disappointment. Say you resolve to lose ten pounds this year. If you cheat on your diet and gain a pound or two, the disappointment can be overwhelming. And this disappointment can encourage you to overeat, abuse your body, and get even further away from your original goal. That’s why I don’t like to talk about New Year’s Resolutions. I’m interested in helping you set goals no matter what time of the year it is.
Think it can’t be done? I get it. I’ve been there. Though I’ve devoted my professional life to helping others achieve their goals while steadily working on my own health, I know all too well how hard it is to get motivated. Motivation isn’t something that just happens to you one day. That’s why fad diets and unreasonable goals don’t work. But steady dedication, consistency, baby steps toward achieving your goals, and a hefty dose of positive thinking really can help you get there.
Here’s what I’ve learned: It is never easy to embark on a new path, and even after years on a healthy path, it’s possible to get sidetracked. To this day, I sometimes procrastinate on my daily workout routine. But I’ve learned a slogan that helps push me through: it may not always be easy, but it is absolutely always worth it. My goal is to help you find a similar thought process that motivates you to achieve your own goals. I don’t promise to make achieving your goals easy. I don’t promise that I can protect you from the stress of life or from temptation. But I do promise that if you follow the tips in this ebook, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals. And you may just find that all that work is worth it, even when it’s not fun, and even when it’s hard.
SO jump in… set year round goals to Be Your BEST Self every! Not just New Year’s goal, all year goals to achieve your best self!