If you are like me, summertime means kids are out of school so let the adventures begin. We live such a busy life during the school year with work, kids activities, school work and day to day business. Staying fit during the summer can sometimes be challenging, so here are some ways to stay fit this summer. Using your location can be a bonus to stay active or taking it outside for exercise is always fun. On vacation or staying at home, getting a daily dose of exercise keeps you feeling energetic and ready to tackle whatever adventure is ahead. Have fun, explore, be open to learning something new this summer. All this can definitely show you ways to stay fit this summer.
Whether you are staying home for some staycation fun or traveling away for vacation adventures, it’s a good idea to plan each day with some sort of activity to stay fit this summer. Sneak in sweat sessions before the day gets away from you and the heat is unbearable. Depending on our activity for the day, I will wake up earlier than the family, do a quick workout and then we continue with our fun activities. Best of both worlds.
Explore new places and find some physical adventure in that area. New cities or landmarks invite you to explore. Find local activities that are popular to that area. Walk Navy Pier in Chicago, explore Alcatraz Island in San Francisco or do a walking tour in NYC. It’s not only educational but fun ways to stay fit this summer. Using the location and particular benefits to that area can be a fun way to squeeze in exercise each day. I have used Free tours by foot and highly recommend it: https://freetoursbyfoot.com/. Of course, I think of beaches when I think of “vacation” so take advantage of long walks on the beach if you can.

One of the best things about summer is that you can do most everything outdoors. So think about taking a walk along the beach, riding your bike to the park, using the playground as your gym, taking the dog for a family walk after dinner, having a water balloon fight, setting up an obstacle course. Even if you have to work a 9-5 job, take your lunch outside and walk a few blocks to move, get fresh air and eat with the sunshine on your face. One of my favorite things to do during warm months is taking an early morning walk when it’s still cool. It’s a great time for me to get centered, get grounded, have my prayer time and feel connected to our beautiful world in nature. We visit my in-laws in South Carolina every summer. They live on a beautiful lake and we are blessed to go boating, skiing, wakeboarding. I feel alive and like I’m 21 again when I get that slalom ski on! Water sports are definitely a great way to stay fit this summer.

There are a million ways to stay fit this summer and quite a few can be while on vacation. I get up early, plan a quick circuit workout before our adventures begin. (see videos below for ideas and also my IG @fitkarma for quick workout ideas) Vacation activities that are so much fun they don’t seem like”exercise” would include; tossing a frisbee, swimming at the beach, canoeing, going for a hike, beach volleyball, paddle boarding, beach runs and my new favorite way to stay fit this summer… drum roll… surfing! During our trip to Costa Rica, I discovered I LOVE surfing! My kids have surfed in California before, but the water is too cold for me. Now, I cannot wait to surf again.
Staying home this summer? Not a problem. Staying fit this summer has never been more fun. Google ‘free activities near me’ in your area. Again, depending on your location, you can find all sorts of things to do to stay fit this summer. In Colorado, you could go for a hike on a different trail almost every day. In a big city, you could find a new historic landmark to explore. But in general, some fun summer activities include; tennis, laser tag, rollerblading, riding bikes, playing basketball or softball with neighbors, walk on a nature trail, go to an amusement park or water park. Of course, nothing beats going swimming and playing in the pool on a hot summer day, especially if water gun battles or water balloon wars are included.

Here in Texas, the dog days of summer can sometimes be too hot to stay active outside. So we have to get creative on ways to stay fit this summer. Personally, when I am home, I like to work out at my boot camp, which is air-conditioned. We go for morning walks with the dog or late evening bike rides, before it gets too hot. Other ways to stay fit when it’s too hot outside would be to try local fitness classes like boot camps, yoga class, dance class, bowling or indoor laser tag. One thing we recently did was an indoor scavenger hunt at the mall. They had a blast racing around the mall searching for items and did not even realize our main goal was to squeeze in exercise. Even on vacation, the heat can get to you, so keep active in the water or on the beach! I did some stretching and walking on the beach with just a few basic poses and the breeze was heavenly. For more advanced, give this Workout for Six Pack Abs a try. This quick circuit workout can easily be done right on the beach with the cool breeze keeping you cool. See more Quick Workouts Here.

My personal favorite ways to stay fit this summer has included hiking a trail near Red Rock, CO., the famous amphitheater in Denver. This hike took about an hour to get to the top. I struggled with altitude, so took my time. Then to push myself I jogged most of the way down. It only took 30 minutes to get down. This hike, in the breathtaking beauty of Colorado, on a crisp summer day was one of my favorite ways to stay fit this summer. And of course, hiking in my Adidas tank top and Adidas Ultraboosts was key! I like to look cute and stylish while having the best gear for the activity. Get the best Adidas gear here! Training apparel, Women’s shoes, Women’s tights.
Traveling, in general, is my favorite. Literally, I gave up shopping at Target and my daily Starbucks to start a travel fund. Once that got big enough and we literally saw the savings, boom and were able to travel more often. With that, we fell in love with Costa Rica. It’s such a beautiful country, with kind people. Not to mention the pace of life is much slower than us busy Americans. It takes a few days to slow down, but once we do, it’s wonderful! If you are planning a trip or want more information on Costa Rica, check out: Tips for planning a vacation to Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is a playground for a healthy lifestyle. Morning hikes, swimming in the ocean, hiking to waterfalls, snorkeling, fishing, yoga class on the beach, surfing and so much more. My other favorite ways to stay fit this summer have included Repelling down waterfalls, trying a yoga class on a platform that overlooked the jungle, and surfing in Costa Rica. I am super grateful for my Adidas gear to keep me cool and on point. When I wasn’t in a swimsuit or shorts, you bet I was in my Adidas tights or sport short tights and favorite shorts bra. They fit so snug and are lightweight to keep me cool during workouts and activities.