Insanity and P90X Gave Me Back My Health and My Life


As a 44 year old, ex-collegiate athlete, I thought I knew how to work out, eat well, and live a healthy lifestyle…. I wanted to be ripped and in great shape but I was full of excuses!  As a result, I was overweight, out of shape, and looked and felt terrible. I had no energy or motivation….Our nine year-old daughter (gymnast) would pat my belly and laugh as she told me that I had a BIG belly.

On a Saturday, I was sitting on my couch watching football, snacking on junk food and, quite frankly, wasting time….. I got bored  and began to channel surf when I came across a commercial advertising Insanity.

As I watched the infomercial, I thought back on the days when I played football in college and wondered how I had let myself go to the point where I had no motivation, no energy, was overweight and looked and felt horrible.  I was a father of three and thought about playing with my kids outside but I would quickly get tired or simply could not muster the energy to get off the couch after a long stressful day at work….  I thought to myself… I work out at the gym, I know what I am doing and a DVD is not going to get me in shape … , I really do not have enough time with this new job …, I am too old to get into great shape … , and man I am not sure this old body can take working out hard again…..

However, as I watched longer, the transformation stories started to hit home and I realized that I had NEVER looked as great as the people who completed the Insanity program with Shaun T.  I admitted to myself that maybe I could learn a few things from Beachbody.  So, I ordered Insanity and as soon as I hung up the phone I called my wife and told her, “I just ordered Insanity program, I am going to get my life back!”

Insanity arrived and I started the following Monday with the Fit Test. I did the Insanity Fit Test and I was gassed. I could not believe that I would be so out of breath taking a “test” to set my starting point.  The next day, Polymeric Cardio Circuit was on my Insanity workout calendar and I pushed play with Shaun T  telling me to push through.  I was wondering where the warm up and stretch was …. In 10 minutes I found out I had just did the “warm-up.”  At this point in time I knew that I was in for a game changer IF I committed to the program and followed it….  I remember this day as the day that changed my life because I made the simple decision to commit to my health and wellness and DO IT!

I am a competitive person so I picked one person in each video and would focus on that person until I could outperform them….It was hard but I did it and in 60 days I had lost 27 pounds of fat and 11 percentage points of body fat. I felt a sense of pride for getting through Insanity and was amazed by the commits I received from my family, neighbors, and even from people I did not know in the community. I looked great and felt even better. I was up at 4:45am ready to work out and get started with my day!

After my 60 days with Insanity, I started the P90X workout with Tony Horton.  I followed the program’s instructions, completed all the workouts, and fueled my body properly.  I eased into P90x relatively easily as I was in the best shape of my life from Insanity.  However, I started noticing more strength and in particular core strength as the weeks passed by. I started out doing some push-ups and pull-ups but at the end of 90 days I was doing these moves for the entire time the program gave you to do them. I was amazed.  In 90 days I gained 23 pounds but lost an additional three percentage points of body fat. I knew that I had turned it around when my 9 year old daughter came up and patted my stomach and told me that I have nice abs!

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If you are thinking you are too old or too out of shape, I was right there with you, and look at how far I have come over the past 2 years.  It takes YOU making the first step!  Are you ready?