Planning + Praying = Success – This will be a pretty quick blog introduction because I’d rather share with you two prayer passages that will get the point across better than anything I could possibly say. I feel both of the passages below, coupled with proper planning, will help you achieve success when things in our busy lives get out of whack.
Are you going through a busy season of life? I sure am! With three active kiddos involved in 5 sports, some days are in light speed!!!!
- Be Intentional with the time you DO have.
- Stick to a routine.
- Car pools = Sanity!
- Schedule everything down to your bathroom breaks if you have to!
- In the chaos, stop and enjoy the moment.
- Meal prep should be a taught in school… it saves my life!
- Stay anchored in FAITH! 0
- Take breaks to BREATH and have FUN!
The key thing to remember is things in our lives get crazy no matter what! We have kids to take care of, we have ourselves to take care of, we have our jobs, and we have obligations. It’s a lot to handle, I know!
But with every busy lifestyle comes the need for proper planning and lots and lots of prayer.
Let’s start – of course – with prayer. Here’s an excerpt from Daily Darren called ‘Looking for the Good’:
God’s plan will not lead you where God’s power cannot keep you. Of course, life has its bumps and bruises. there are good times and difficult times and the challenge is to find your God moment in both types of experience.
When do you praise and worship God? When it seems that life is going well and He is answering your prayers and you have relatively few problems? Sure, it is easy to praise then. But, when the bumps come along and you seem to be directed into u-turns, how do you adapt? When God is in control, there is no reason to expect the worst of a changing situation. In fact, you can look for the surprises of His new plan and see what He has new for you. Sort of like, “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” When you find yourself in the problems of life (the mud puddle) look for the blessing He will give (fish in your pockets)!
You can avoid having ulcers by adapting to the situation: If you fall in the mud puddle, check your pockets for fish.
I find myself reading that passage more and more each day, especially early in the morning as I’m mentally preparing for what I want to achieve on that particular day. How will I adapt today? Will I open my eyes to His plan today as it unfolds? Nothing that happens today happens outside of God’s plan.
Doesn’t that just make you want to take on the day, knowing that you are always in good hands?! On my team calls, I’m constantly stressing prayer time – every morning – to allow God to speak to you and help you be more successful. To simply s l o w down and listen for HIS direction.
By creating time for yourself each morning to talk to God, you are prioritizing … you are planning, and you are creating healthy habits. Besides prayer, scheduling out your day is crucial in helping you navigate any storm the day may bring. The alternative is to not schedule anything at all, and then nothing will ever get done and you will constantly feel overwhelmed.
Planning + Prayer. This will inevitably help shape your day and put you on the path to success.
I will leave you with this final prayer passage, which is one of my all time favorites.
May Jesus speak peace to your soul and calm your storm.
May you sense His nearness even when the winds blow.
May you know His joy and strength from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
May the hope He stirs in your heart cause you to live with a holy expectancy and trust that this storm too shall pass.
And in the days ahead, may His very real love for you compel you to dance in the rain before the sun breaks through.
Jesus goes before you, He’s got your back, and He’s there, just around the bend.
He’ll never forsake you.
Trust him today!