This is my life… my crazy life that I would not change for the world! My Family comes first, no matter what! My husband Brett and I have been married for 11 years. He is my best friend, my soul mate and number 1 fan! I think the over/ under on our marriage (from his old buddies) was 18 months. Maybe that’s because we were engaged after only 3 months!
We have 3 beautiful children and a 16 year old nephew that fills our home with constant squeals, giggles and laughter. Lucy is 9 and our very dominant, argumentative, intelligent leader of the bunch. Her passion is gymnastics. Lucy watched the summer Olympics her Kindergarten year and has not stopped tumbling and flipping since. We are so proud of her hard work and dedication as a level 4P gymnast. Our middle guy Pierce is a typical 7 year old boy who is a little obsessed with LEGOS! There is not a single room in our home that is Lego free! He plays flag football, soccer, basketball and wants to learn golf next. He enjoys sports, but would rather be playing with friends. Our 4 year old Peyton, is the comedian of the bunch with a spunky personality. He is the loudest and funniest! Once you laugh at something, forget it… The show will not stop until everyone is laughing! This year we have had the blessing of adding our nephew Andrew to our family. We have always been a close, he shared almost every weekend with us growing up. And now God tell us that in time of need, rally around, love on each other and put family first… so we are officially a family of 6! Wow, that sounds crazy! We love our big family and are extremely blessed!