Need some Motivation?

We all need a little extra motivation, especially when it comes to motivation fitness!  I have a love and desire to help not only my family get healthy & fit, but I love to inspire others to so the same.  You will not believe how two men from Tenessee are motivating people not only across the state, but the country!

Beachbody Challenge Winners Richard N. and Hiram S. are going on to do great things! After Richard won the Beachbody Challenge Grand Prize and Hiram won the Quarterly Contest, they took all their energy and decided to pay it forward by helping the entire state of Tennesee get fit & healthy!

Combined, the two have lost well over 400 lbs, and have teamed up to bring some fitness-minded people out for a workout they may never forget!  In the video, you can feel their energy as they sweat along with everyone – even the people who didn’t think they could do any more! Richard and Hiram showed modifications so even those fit clubbers who weren’t ready to go all out with Insanity still got a high intensity, low impact workout. You gotta love hustle like that! Take a look at the recap below and watch Richard and Hiram pay it forward to End The Trend of Obesity!!

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