Start… stop.
Start again.. stop.
Start and go a little bit longer and stop.. again.
How many times have you stopped and started a healthy eating plan or exercise routine?
Ok, I won’t make you answer that question.
But answer this for me.. tell me about the success you’ve had when you stayed with a ‘program’ for at least two months?
If you’ve stayed with something for that amount of time, you likely have a success story of SOME level, right?
Let me answer that for you- yes. 🙂
Success doesn’t come overnight. If we want results we’re going to have to STAY WITH SOMETHING longer than a few days or a week.
Yes, I know, this is obviously crazy. And yet, I hear people complaining ALL THE TIME that X, Y or Z doesn’t work for them and they NEED to try something else.
(What they’re really saying is- X, Y or Z is too hard, and they don’t want to do anything hard so they need to find something easier.)
Yes, I know there are a lot of reasons WHY it’s difficult, but the bottom line is, we cannot say that eating right and working out doesn’t work if we haven’t really given it a fair chance.
4 LIFE CHANGING Tips to help you Succeed with your Health & fitness goals: Challenge yourself. Seek accountability. Stay the course. See the results.
1. Challenge yourself
Set a SPECIFIC weight loss goal (or clothing size) and a SPECIFIC goal date 2-3 months from now and commit to eating a healthy eating plan with only whole foods (Lots of veggies and fruit, lean protein, beans, healthy fats, and nuts) and exercise 3-5 times per week. Take measurements and photos, weigh yourself and most of all- don’t quit. Create a Routine that works with YOUR life and then put it into action. For me, as a busy mom, I have to workout at 6 am before the kids get going for the day or IT WON’T GET DONE! I could make ever excuse in the book, but bottom line, I am MUCH HAPPIER with a Healthy Lifestyle and setting goals continuously for myself.
2. Seek accountability
Ask someone that you KNOW will keep you accountable and give you a seriously hard time if you even consider quitting. Ask them to contact you once or twice a week to see how you’re doing. Give them accountability questions to ask you to cut to the chase, questions that you can’t answer- generally. Even better, find a buddy who will do this with you, 100%. In my Accountability Group, we have specific days that you must check in… Motivation Monday, Food Pic Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, Tip of the day Thur and Fitness Friday… all great way to stay accountable to a peer group of like minded people on a journey AND have fun at the same time!
3. Stay the course
Preparation is Key! Either use the FREE meal plan I provide or plan out what foods are AND and are NOT going to be allowed in your diet. Keep the list posted on your fridge and even on your smartphone. Don’t buy these foods, these items are non-negotiables, don’t bring them into your home. Plan how many times a week you’re going to exercise and what you’re going to do. Seek out encouragement and motivation and walk away from those things that are discouraging (i.e. a dessert board on pinterest, lol) Stay focused on your goal of- finishing.
4. See the results
When you truly commit and follow your new plan, you WILL see results in 2-3 months. GUESS WHAT, this is just the beginning. Commit to another 2-3 month to create a Healthy Lifestyle. Now you move into being a NEW & IMPROVED person who no longer makes excuses, but rather encourages others to join you on this new journey. Make it a lifetime decision and you’ll see ongoing results.
It’s not that hard. We make it REALLY hard though, don’t we? 🙂
It boils down to consistency. To which there is no half-way. Either we are consistent with healthy eating and working out or we’re not.
When I am consistent with my healthy lifestyle, I see results. I suspect it’s the same for you. The best part about all of this? We can change at any moment! Isn’t that awesome?!
If we are chronic quitters and/or we have a history of being inconsistent with our healthy eating and workouts, that can end- TODAY.
Yes it can.
You can do this.
Consistency is your friend, embrace her, she’s your ticket to success.