Benefits of Family Workouts – I have to brag for a quick second by saying that my husband and I make it a point to go on a date every day. That’s right! Every morning when the alarm goes off, we get up, throw our gear on, grab a healthy shake, stretch, and get a family workout in together in our living room. The benefits of a family workouts go much deeper than physic, we are teaching our family the importance of living a healthy life.
It’s not your typical get-all-gussied-up, leave-your-kids-at-home date night on the town – don’t worry, we find opportunities here and there to do that too – but being diligent about working out in the morning together is a great way to start off the day before heading to work. And like our marriage, this “date workout” keeps us both working toward the same goal!
We are a team in every way possible – including leading a healthy and fit lifestyle.
They say families who sweat together, stay together. I’m a firm believer in that. I’ve said in previous blogs that even a few of our kids are occasional early risers like Brett and I, so rather than shoo them away, we welcome the chance to include them in our workout because there are so many Benefits of Family Workouts. As you can see from some of the pictures and quick workout videos on my website, even our dog Jojo gets into the action.
Before we know it, we’re done and we can start getting ready for school, work or whatever else is going on.
The benefits of family workouts and staying active together are endless. If you have a partner, there is no snooze button on that alarm clock, now is there?! Also, meal prep is easier, it brings the family together, it’s fun, and it also teaches kids the importance of staying active in an age where youth obesity rates are climbing and that Playstation 4 or Nintendo Wii seem more important in their daily lives.
It’s paramount as parents – and couples – that we set the right example for each other and/or our children when it comes to living a healthy and fit lifestyle. Trust me, I can keep going on and on with the benefits, but here are just THREE more reasons why sweating together is the ONLY way to go.
It’s a way to make unforgettable memories …
Too often, families get caught up in a cycle of school and work. Brett has been known to work some pretty demanding hours, and with me also being a business owner and having to drive the kids to and from school, life can feel like one giant hamster wheel. Working out in the morning is a great way to spend time together before the craziness of the day gets to be too much. Plus, you can create some AMAZING MEMORIES. Just a few Benefits of Family Workouts; Imagine doing push ups with your little one sitting on your back giggling away! Imagine you and your spouse trying to do a new workout routine … and instead of getting frustrated, you laugh and push each other along! Brett and I want our kids to look back on their childhood as a time of togetherness, a time where they remember all the reasons why they love being a part of this family. And for Brett and I, we want to foster those memories.
Your kids see the importance of being active …
Like anything else, if a child sees his/her parent doing something consistent – like working out and taking care of themselves – that child will want to emulate that action. According to the Huffington Post, youth obesity rates have increased over the last 14-15 years. Most of that is likely because of today’s technology world. Kids have access to Iphones, Ipads, video games and television – all sedentary hobbies. And when the aren’t doing that, they are sitting in a classroom for most of the day with only fleeting moments for recess depending on their age. If the parents are the EXACT SAME way, how do you think the kids will react? Replace “lounging time” with active time, prepare healthy meals, and use dinner time as a chance to answer questions your kids may have about health and fitness. Trust me, your family will reap the benefits.
No more working out alone …
Do I really need to explain this one? I mean, who prefers to workout by themselves? You see it all the time though when the mom is some world-class triathlete while the dad and the kids are overweight. Even the most fit of triathletes wants someone out there to encourage them, push them on a day where they may not be “feeling it” and understand why they do what they do. So flip the script! Statistics show that Benefits of Family Workouts and staying active together is a great way to reach goals quicker. Even if your spouse has the same fitness level and you are starting from scratch, or one of you is a little further along … it still creates a benefit to everyone involved. Couples workouts are great, but getting the kiddos involved and active is priceless!
Bottom line, I love hearing stories from couples who have committed themselves to a more healthy lifestyle – TOGETHER. When they share that knowledge with their children through teachable moments, it’s icing on the cake. With all that being said, why wouldn’t you make it a family affair! Go enjoy the benefits of Family Workouts today!
Tell me how your family workouts are going? If there are any cute stories, I’d love to hear them!