You are what you eat

You have heard the old saying, “you are what you eat“… it’s true!  Here are 3 tips to help you make swaps in certain types of foods you eat and add in other essential items to help you look younger, stay full, slim down and have a LOT more energy!

1. Not all carbs are created equally

Carbs are not created equally; some are much better than others because of the effect they have on your blood sugar. Refined carbs (high-glycemic foods) like sugar and white bread cause your blood sugar to peak, then drop, leaving you feeling tired, hungry, and worst of all- weak. To keep your strength and energy soaring, it’s essential that you limit high glycemic foods like above. Instead choose whole grains, like brown rice and whole fruits. These whole foods are low on the glycemic index and actually keep your blood sugar levels steady. This means it helps you stay full longer and keeps your energy high and your head clear!  Still confused? Check out –>> 9 Clean Eating Tips<<–
High-glycemic carbs include:
•white rice
•white bread
•sugary soda

Low-glycemic carbs include:
•brown rice
•whole wheat bread

2. Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

Remember when fat-free diets were the rage? That fad ended for a reason… because some fat is extremely beneficial to your body. “Good Fat” lets you absorb vitamins from the other foods you eat, raises your good cholesterol, reduces inflammation, and helps make your skin glow to give a youthful look. Of course, there are plenty of “bad fats” to avoid, including saturated fats and trans fats. These fats raise your bad cholesterol and promote inflammation. You can find saturated fats in red meat, chicken skin and butter. Trans fats, or bad fats are most common in margarine and in products that list hydrogenated oils on their labels. Avoid these bad fats if you want a healthy body!

Good fats that should be part of your diet:

•olive oil
•coconut oil

3. Importance of Water

Many people walk around dehydrated everyday.  If it goes on too long dehydration can lead to dizziness, low blood pressure, muscle cramps, headaches and excessive fatigue. So how much water should you drink everyday? At a minimum, you should drink 8 glasses a day… but I recommend 2-3 liters per day. Water also plays an importance role in digestion. Try drinking 8 oz of water 20 minutes before your meal and see if you notice your less hungry at meal time plus most tummy issues are resolved.
Feeling hungry? It’s likely your just thirsty. I once heard that by the time you (or your children) say the words “I’m thirsty” your already dehydrated.
Feeling tired? fatigue or feeling tired is also a symptom of dehydration. Try drinking 8 oz of water to see if it helps boost your energy.

Not a fan of plain water? Check out –>> The Water Bar Recipes <<– for lots of ways to create fun flavored water and keep you hydrated.

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